Hack The Box’s Cyber Apocalypse 2021 CTF— AlienPhish — Write-up
My colleagues are I took part in the 5-day CTF by HTB in April ’21, where every challenge solved raises some donation to a good cause.
I picked the “AlienPhish” challenge from the “Forensics” section because we were the first team who solved that (and thereby gaining the full 1000 points; points decrease with the number of solves).
This is the original challenge:
Unpacking the downloaded zip package, we get “Alien Weaknesses.pptx”. I submitted it to VT since it was not targetted or part of my corporate work (if you would like to download the sample, you can here): https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/00abacd6fe8f37d21983c84c0fceb9bf56af8b2ab39a19798b7f773c8d032db0/detection
There were no AV detections on my machine as well, since it was not a known file yet; the detections came in 2 days after.
Once I’ve unzipped the pptx, I loaded the folder in Sublime.
g ~ % unzip Alien\ Weaknesses.pptx
Archive: /Alien Weaknesses.pptx
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We know where the payload would be, since we’ve seen it on the preview.
The payload presented is:
The string “eliftuo” stood out, so I googled it and found the following page where a method of reversing strings was mentioned:
That made sense. rwi
meant iwr
and ptth
meant http
. Once the string was reversed, it was a lot clearer:
We see the malicious executable Q0hUQntwSDFzSGlOZ193MF9tNGNyMHM_Pz99.exe
Doing a base64 decoding gets us the flag, CHTB{pH1sHiNg_w0_m4cr0s???}