CVE-2024–12884 — E-Commerce Website SQLi
SQLI in login.php of “E-Commerce-Website-Using-PHP”
A SQL injection vulnerability was found in the ‘/login.php’ file of the ‘E-commerce Site Using PHP With Source Code’ project:
Within the login.php file, the function “mysql_real_escape_string” is used to sanitize user inputs before embedding them into SQL queries. However, this method is does not provide sufficient protection against SQL injection attacks. The underlying SQL query writes:
$result = mysql_query(“SELECT * FROM user WHERE (email=’$user_login’) AND password=’$password_login_md5' AND activation=’yes’”);
and allows an attacker to inject malicious SQL statements. For instance, by inputting “ ‘ OR ‘1’=’1 “ in the email field, the query becomes:
SELECT * FROM user WHERE (email=’’ OR ‘1’=’1') AND password=’’ AND activation=’yes’;
(this was a part of an evaluation on CVE as a whole)